Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's a first world problem

Coding Horror: Why Doesn't Anyone Give a Crap About Freedom Zero?

Jef Atwood and Mark Pilgrim before him asked
why doesn't anyone give a crap about freedom zero?

About what? Until this show up in my feed reader I hadn't even heard of it. So that's the first reason no one gives a crap. They don't know what it is or what it's about.

Another good reason is similar to why most motorists don't care about the engine in their car. They pay someone else to build it and they pay someone else to take care of it. They don't have time to learn how to do either of those things so they pay someone else to do it. Much like I don't have time to write my own operating system so I pay someone else to do it for me. I don't have the time or inclination to learn how to build a computer so I pay someone else to do it.

There is always a way forward. If I need to migrate my data somewhere I can always find a tool to help. The more popular the software I'm using is the more tools will be available to help me do so. Many of these tools will come at a cost, but I'm alread paying someone else to build my hardware and write my software so why would I stop at this point.